Kids Protection System (KPS)

KPS allows you to control what programs your kids (and not only) can run. If you turn this option on you will have to define a password and list of items (programs, movies etc.). During system startup user will be asked to enter the password. If the password is incorrect user will only be able to run one item from the list. This item will be run on a clean system so it will be impossible to run anything else.
In addition a small utility will be run. It displays EXIT button which allows you to close the system.

How to turn KPS on:
Run WSM and select OPTIONS>Kids protection system. A KPS configuration window will appear. It can be used to set all options related with KPS.
Check Enable Kids Protection System option to activate KPS system.

Adding items to KPS list:
Click the Add button. A dialog box will appear. Select item you want to add and double-click it or click Open button.

Removing items from KPS list:
Just select the item you want to remove and click Remove button.

Setting the KPS password:
Click Passwords button. Type your password carefully then retype it. You can set the password as KPS or SYSTEM. (see: Passwords)

See also:
System access  monitor